Avoid Making These 5 Mistakes on Your Tech Resume

By Truelogic Software

If you are like many of the thousands of tech professionals looking for their next job opportunity, you’ve no doubt had to take another look at your resume and decide how to update it.

While our CTO Gabby gave us some solid advice on how you can make your tech resume shine, this article will address what you should avoid when putting together your resume. 

You may know what you should include on your resume, but knowing what NOT to include is also helpful, maybe more so than knowing what you should add. So, if you want to increase your chances of landing that interview and possibly receiving a job offer, keep reading! 

Mistake 1: Not Structuring Your Resume for the ATS

Structuring your tech resume with the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) in mind from the start will save you from a huge headache later. The way the ATS system chooses resumes depends on several factors you may not have considered before. 

70% of some of the largest tech companies use it to help select candidates, and 75% of recruiters use it or another technical tool to look over applications. So, if you want your resume to make it to the final rounds, structure your resume to be ATS-friendly. 

What does that look like exactly? 

  • Including keywords that match the position you’re applying for
  • Use a readable font and font size (remember a computer will not appreciate your Comic Sans, and humans need a readable font) 
  • No images, graphs, or photos (no selfies, please) 
  • Using the proper file type and file name 
  • Clear headings 

Once you understand the requirements of an ATS-friendly resume, you’ll have a better direction in how you approach updating your tech resume. 


Mistake 2: Not Including Soft Skills and Teamwork Experience

Yes, your technical skills and expertise are what matters here, but so too do your soft skills. And believe it or not, soft skills like problem-solving and communication are in high demand now more than ever with the increased use and development of AI-driven tools and insights.

Teamwork and collaboration are at the core of technological innovation and advancement. Especially for tech professionals who are looking for remote positions, having experience in collaborative development and team projects elevates your chances. If these skills you have, don’t make the mistake of excluding them from your list. 

Mistake 3: Adding Too Much Information

You have the skills and experience and may be confused about what to add, so you add everything from the last 10 years of your work history. But this act is a big mistake and can be why your resume is passed up. 

To avoid this, only include positions, information, and past experiences relevant to the job you are applying for. You want to only showcase the skills you have that are specific to that position. Keep it short and to the point. 

Consider which roles you impacted most and highlight what you accomplished there. Show the numbers and quantify them; by doing this, you show your value through tangible results, and this is always good. If needed, you can make your tech resume up to two pages long, and it won’t affect the ATS-friendly format. 


Mistake 4: Not Linking Your LinkedIn Profile or Digital Portfolio

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile to begin with, that’s mistake #3.5, but if you do, don’t make the mistake of not including it on your resume. Your resume should have most of the information that a recruiter is looking for, and undoubtedly, they are going to want to check out your LinkedIn profile or view any additional projects you worked on. 

Save hiring managers the trouble and link any professional profiles you may have. This makes their job easier as a greater view of your professional profile is one click away. And if you’re going to direct recruiters to your LinkedIn profile, ensure it’s also up to date. Remember, your profile is an extension of your resume, so anything you leave out on your resume can be included on your social media profile. 

Mistake 5: Fluffing Your Technical Resume 

If you don’t have the skills or the experience, don’t add it to your resume. Down the road, if you are one of the lucky people selected for the interview process, you’ll undoubtedly have a technical interview that will test some of the abilities they are looking for.

Dishonesty is definitely not the way you want to start things off, and if you feel you may want to apply to the same company again, you want to have a good standing. So stick to including only what you know and have experience with. 

Increase Your Chances By Avoiding These Mistakes  

There’s a lot of competition out there for technical roles, and you may find yourself competing among your peers for your next big role. To stand out, show that you have the soft skill of paying attention to detail by avoiding these mistakes. 

Take your time updating your resume to suit the positions you are applying for. You may need 3 or 4 different versions of your resume, and once you have them ready to go, you can apply for a position as soon as it becomes available, speeding up the application process.

A few more mistakes to avoid include:

  • Adding your address - (city and country are enough) 
  • Spelling and gramatical errors 
  • Adding references 
  • Using an unprofessional email address 
  • Not updating your contact information


If you structure your resume properly, you will increase the chances of it making it past automation systems and into the hands of a hiring manager. If you want to get one step closer to your desired position, create a well-written and structured resume and watch the interviews fly in.

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